
Sunanda Polyalk WP

Product Details:
Brand Sunanda
Packaging Size 1,5,20,200 Kg
Test Pressure 1-7 bar
Duration of Test 24hr,48hr
Permeability Single Coat 35mm,48mm
Permeability Two Coats 0mm


POLYALK WP is a most effective and proven polymeric waterproofing solution.


  • Roof slabs – flat or sloping, chajjas, folded plate roofs, vaulted roofs, domes etc.
  • Flooring, external walls.
  • Sunk portion of bathrooms, toilets, balconies, etc.
  • Overhead or underground water tanks and other large reservoirs.
  • Mortars for filling joints of C.I. or any other drainage pipes.
  • As an admixture for providing waterproof plaster to external walls especially in high rise buildings.
  • As waterproof additive to any cementbased paints used as a finishing coat.


  • Can be easily mixed with cement forming an impermeable co-matrix film.
  • High flexural strength and extraordinary adhesion of polymer reinforces the high compressive strength
    of cementitious matrix.
  • Alkaline and compatible with concrete.
  • Does not facilitate carbonation.
  • Can be applied in moist conditions e.g: exteriors, terraces and chajjas in wet spells of monsoon,
    and/ or overhead water tanks almost immediately after emptying.
  • Moisten the surface with water jet 24 hours prior to the application of POLYALK WP.
  • Mix 1 part of POLYALK WP and 1.25 parts fresh white or grey cement by weight using a low-speed stirrer, to
    a slurry.
  • Continuous hand-mixing to a lump-free consistency may also be adequate.
  • Keep the mix continuously stirred.
  • Apply the slurry by brush to the damp surface.
  • Apply two more coats of similar slurry at 24 hrs intervals.
  • Allow to set for 48 hours.
  • Cure the coating for 7 days by sprinkling water three times a day on the vertical surface (external walls)
    using moist gunny bags on the horizontal surface (terraces).
  • For best results, it is necessary to sandwich the cured coating of POLYALK WP with a screed layer.
  • Can be mixed with any cement based paint and can thus have any desired colour shade.
  • Can be used as a base waterproofing coat. After curing, it can receive Sunext–8


  • Preparation of the surface to be waterproofed is very important.
  • Repair and make good any faulty concrete in the form of cracks, honey combing etc mortar.
  • Cure the repaired cracks as per the usual norms.
  • Remove all curing compounds and sealers.
  • Scrub and clean the surface.
  • Remove laitance, dirt, paint, loose flakes or particles or other foreign matter etc. using a vacuum
    high pressure water jet or wet sandblasting or wirenbrushing.
  • Ensure that the concrete surface possesses an open surface texture.
  • Fill hairline cracks with POLYFILL AR, large cracks with POLYALK EP

PVC Pipe Wrapping Tape

Product Details:
Tape Width >100 mm
Tape Length 10-20 m
Color Silver Aluminum Foil / Butyl Rubber
Usage/Feature Pipe Leaking Tape
MOQ 5 box
Tape Type Adhesive

KWICKSEAL BT 150 is cold- applied, flexible, synthetic rubber sealing tape made from

Preminum Butyl rubber.

It is a two layered 1.5mm Butyl rubber waterproofing layer with an aluminun foil

to protect the material from impacts of UV radiation & to products the adhesion of sealed


The Bottom Side KWICKSEAL BT is covered with an easily removable protective film.

KWICKSEAL BT is a convenient way to seal various cracks & joints.

It can also be used to insulate junctions for roofing repairs & HVAC.

KWICKSEAL BT is specially designed for sealing substrates like matels, concrete, wood,

Glass, plastic ( TPO, PP,PE ).

Roof Guard Black

Product Details:
Type of Project Roof
Brand of Product Used ARDA


ROO F G UAR D B LA CK is cold applied liquid waterproofing membrane, specially formulated from a blend of
special resin and rubber, reinforced with special water repelling fillers, minerals stabilizers and

Ideal waterproofing system for concrete roofs, polyurethane foam slabs, and polyester built up roofs,
maintenance of existing roofs, masonry and concrete walls, bathrooms, basements, bridges, decks, metal
surfaces etc. Used as a sandwich membrane in new construction and as surface treatment on existing slabs

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for ROOF GUARD BLACK

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its authorised
only. Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence, deliveries are

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in the market.
company is an extension of a 120 year old firm.

Dr. Fixit Pidicrete WP

Product Details:
Packaging Size Available in 1kg, 5kg & 20kg
Color White Crystal


Dr. Fixit Pidicrete WP acrylic co-polymer liquid, which when mixed with cement, forms a matrix & hence
excellent waterproofing properties. Dr. Fixit Pidicrete WP can also be used as a bonding agent for new to
cementitious substrates & as an additive for repair mortars.

Typical Applications
Waterproofing of concrete and sand-cement mortar used in

  • Waterproofing- Additive with cement for waterproofing of roofs, walls & water storage tanks.
  • Concrete repair- Additive for cement mortar for repair to spalled concrete, floor, columns, beams, chajja,
  • Bond coat- Bond coat for old to new concrete & masonry plaster.
  • Priming- reinforcement steel.

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for DR. FIXIT PIDICRETE WP

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its authorised channel
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence, deliveries are prompt.

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in the market. The
company is
an extension of a 120 year old firm.


Asian Paint Damp Proof Chemical

We “Royal Industrial Corporation” are engaged in wholesaling and trading a high-quality
of Concrete Admixtures, Waterproof Coatings, etc. We are a Sole Proprietorship company that is
in the year 2010 at Mumbai, Maharashtra and are connected with the renowned vendors of the market
assist us to provide a qualitative range of products as per the global set standards.

Under the supervision of “Mr. Yusuf Lokhandwala“, we have attained a dynamic position in this sector.

Dr. Fixit Newcoat Ezee

Waterproofing Type Liquid
Location/City MUMBAI
Build Up Area 5000 SQ. FT. ONWARDS
Applicable Area Residential
Completion Time 21 DAYS
Water Proofing Material Fibre Mesh


Dr. Fixit Newcoat Ezee is an elastomeric waterproof coating that provides a seamless and
tough waterproof
barrier with
excellent crack bridging ability that can accommodate movements due to thermal variations in the
waterproofing system.
Typical Applications } Building Roofs / Terraces – Flat & Slope. } Over existing cementitious
treatments like sound brick-bat coba, concrete screeds, acrylic coatings, etc. Features } Waterproofing:
excellent water resistant barrier on roof / terrace } Tough and abrasion resistant: Suitable for light foot
traffic }
Highly durable and light weight: UV resistant and needs no extra protective screed } Flexible and elastic:
movements in waterproofing system and covers and bridges hairline cracks } Easy to apply: No need to remove
the existing
system. Can be brush or roller applied on vertical surfaces without sagging.

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for DR. FIXIT NEWCOAT EZEE ?

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its authorised channel
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence, deliveries are prompt.

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in the market. The
company is
an extension of a 120 year old firm.

Star Eniroof SPR Waterproofing Coating

Brand star Coatings & Membranes Pvt Ltd
Available Colour White
Coverage 20 Sq.ft per kg 2coat
Usage/Application Roofs
Packaging Type 20 kg
Form Liquid

We “Royal Industrial Corporation” are engaged in wholesaling and trading a
high-quality assortment
of Concrete Admixtures, Waterproof Coatings, etc. We are a Sole Proprietorship company
that is established
in the year 2010 at Mumbai, Maharashtra and are connected with the renowned vendors of the
market who
assist us to provide a qualitative range of products as per the global set standards.

Under the supervision of “Mr. Yusuf Lokhandwala“, we have attained a dynamic position in this

Bituminous Aluminum Flash Tape

Tape Width 40-60 mm
Tape Length 10-20 m
Usage/Feature Roof Waterproofing
MOQ 5 Box
Tape Type Adhesive

KWICKSEAL AT 50 is cold- applied, flexible, rubberized Bitumen based sealing tape.

It is a two layered 1.5mm Polymer Bitumen waterproofing layer with an aluminun foil

to protect the material from impacts of UV radiation & to products the adhesion of sealed


The Bottom Side KWICKSEAL AT is covered with an easily removable protective film.

KWICKSEAL AT is a convenient way to seal various cracks & joints.

It can also be used to insulate junctions for roofing repairs.

KWICKSEAL AT is specially designed for sealing substrates like matels, concrete, wood,

Glass, plastic ( TPO, PP,PE ) & Bitumen.

Dr. Fixit Newcoat

Tensile Strength 1.2N/mm2
Solid Content Min 65%
Hardness 80 Shore A
Elongation at break min 80%
Adhesion Strength 1.0N/mm2


Dr. Fixit Newcoat is a micro fibre reinforced liquid applied membrane coating that forms a tough
film resistant to UV.
It can sustain light foot traffic and is most suitable as light weight, heavy duty coating for
repairs where there is no
need to dismantle the existing brich bat or screed system.

Typical Applications
Flat roofs.
Terraces and podiums.


  • Bridges cracks up to 2 mm.
  • 3 coat system.
  • Long term resistance to UV degradation.
  • Will accept light foot traffic.
  • Abrasion Resistant.
  • Can be applied by brush or roller and is easily overcoated.
  • High tensile strength makes it resistant to tearing and cracking. Non-toxic

Method of Application:

  • Ensure the roof has a slope of 1:100.
  • All bitumen products (old coatings etc) must be completely removed.
  • The substrate must be sound and if any repairs to be carried out use suitable Dr. Fixit
    repair material.


  • Dilute Dr. Fixit Primeseal with water at a ratio of 2:1 and apply at approx. 0.15 ltrs/
    and allow to dry
    for 6 – 8 hours.
  • Apply the first coat of Dr. Fixit Newcoat without any dilution at the rate of 0.5 ltr/
    and allow it to dry
    before applying the 2nd and 3rd coats at the same rate.
  • Roofs in excess of 200 should receive a layer of suitable reinforcing fabric
    incorporated within the first
  • Drying time between coats will be 6 to 8 hours.
  • Allow the system to air cure fully for 7 days prior to carrying out a water test (if


  • All corners, gaps, joints, protrusions and outlets should be coated with an extra coat
    incorporating reinforcing
  • Larger roofs over 200 should be reinforced using a suitable reinforcing fabric.

Precautions & Limitations

  • Do not apply during rains substrate MUST be in SSD condition for application of primer.
  • The product is designed only for foot traffic and not vehicular or movement of machinery or
  • Do not apply Dr. Fixit Newcoat over expansion joints.
  • To achieve the full proof waterproofing, parapet walls should be covered with Dr. Fixit
  • Do not dilute Dr. Fixit Newcoat with water.
  • If the surface has excess moisture then there is possibility of blister formation in case of
    all liquid applied
    membrane coatings.

Theoretical Coverage: 2 m2 per litre per coat Coverage may vary depending upon the nature
& texture of

Shelf Life: Shelf life is 24 months from the date of manufacturing if stored in original
and unopened packaging
in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight.

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for DR.FIXIT NEWCOAT

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its
authorised channel only.
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence, deliveries
are prompt.

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in the
market. The company is
an extension of a 120 year old firm.

Dr. Fixit Roofseal

Brand Dr Fixit
Specific Gravity 0.99 – 1.05
Water Absorption 0.02%
Brush ability No sag,slip & run off
Solid content 55-60 %
Elongation at break Greater than 500%
Film thickness 700-750 micron in two coats
Hardness Greater than 50 Shore A

Dr. Fixit Roofseal is a single component cold applied elastomeric waterproofing coating
based on synthetic resin
emulsion. It is a tough yet extremely flexible coating that can be efficiently applied to
any thickness by roller or
squeegee creating a fully adhered waterproofing coating with no wastage. It is water based
with low VOC’s that is
sustainable for years as a waterproofing coating.

Areas of Application

  • Waterproofing of flat concrete roofs
  • As an external protective coating for block works before fixing Aluminum Composite
  • Features & Benefits
  • Waterproofing – High film build up provides excellent water resistance
  • Elastomeric – Excellent flexibility and elongation properties – can easily accommodate
    all normal building
  • Seamless – Can be applied to complex shapes to form a seamless and highly durable water
    proofing coating.
  • Adhesion – Adheres firmly to most of building surfaces including concrete, brick etc.
    both horizontal and
    vertical surfaces.
  • Water based – Easy cleaning of tools and brushes by water.
  • Easy to apply – Suitable consistency for easy application by brush, roller or squeegee

Method of Application:
SURFACE PREPARATION : Surface preparation is generally limited to cleaning by broom
brush or compressed air.
surfaces to be applied must be free from dust, loose material, oil, or any other material
which may impair adhesion
the material. All surface cracks up to 5 mm wide should be filled up with the same material
and pre-striped prior to
application of the material. All joints of vertical up stand should have 50 x 50 mm angle
fillets prepared with sand
-cement mortar; mixed with Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP.
APPLICATION : Apply a coat of Dr. Fixit Roofseal over an angle fillet as a
reinforcing strip all around the
parapet wall and allow drying. Apply on all vertical up stand at an average girth of 200 mm.
Apply 2 coats Dr. Fixit
Roofseal at 0.75 ltrs / m2/ coat, at an interval of 12 hrs between the coats and allow
drying completely.

Water ponding test:

  • After full drying of second coat for at least 72 hrs, a water ponding test can be
    performed by filling water
    the terrace by carefully blocking all the down take drain outlets without damaging the
    coating. The test
    be carried out for 48 hrs by filling water up to 50 mm level. Observe for leakages if
    any and then remove
    water and allow the coating to dry completely for about 24 hrs before proceeding
  • Spread 100 grm/m2 geotextile over, before a concrete screed is laid. Protect the coating
    with a concrete
    in M 20 grade. The protective screed should be of minimum 50 mm thickness maintaining an
    average slope of
    towards the drain outlets for effective and efficient draining of water. After the
    application of screed,
    provide control joints along the length and breadth of entire screed area. The joint can
    be provided by
    using a
    saw cutting machine attached with a 3 mm blade. The joints will be 12 mm wide and 12 mm
    deep. 28-30 days
    these joints can be filled with a suitable elastomeric sealant.

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for DR. FIXIT ROOFSEAL

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its
authorised channel only.
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence,
deliveries are prompt.

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in
the market. The company
an extension of a 120 year old firm.

Star Eniroof EMB


Packaging Size Available in 4 Kg & 20kg
Form Liquid
Packaging Type Plastic Bucket


ENIROOF EMB® is a scientific blend of synthetic resins, selected minerals and fillers.
ENIROOF EMB® is a protective and
waterproof coating. It is a high performance coating that dries to elastic, flexible,
impermeable waterproof membrane.

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for STAR ENIROOF EMB ?

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its
authorised channel only.
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence,
deliveries are prompt.

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years
in the market. The company is
an extension of a 120 year old firm.

Star Proof Wf Sp 600

Packaging Size 20 KG
Form Aerosol

A. What is STAR PROOF WF SP 600

STARPROOF WF-SP-600 is a special synthetic resin based waterproof coating. Because of
its excellent flexibility and
thixotropic nature it is ideal for use on vertical as well as horizontal surfaces.
It is single pack, very economical
and pollution free water proof coating. Due to its white color, it has excellent UV

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for STAR PROOF WF SP 600

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or
its authorised channel only.
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area.
Hence, deliveries are prompt.

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120
years in the market. The company is
an extension of a 120 year old firm.

Transparent Coating (Apcobuild Terracoat)

Packaging Size Available in 20kg,5kg & 1kg
Brand Apcotex Industries Limited

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for TRANSPARENT COATING

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company /
factory or its authorised channel only.
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area.
Hence, deliveries are prompt.

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over
120 years in the market. The company is
an extension of a 120 year old firm.

Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP

Product Details:
Material butadiene latex
Packaging Type bucket
Packaging Size 20 KG
Form butadiene latex


Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP
 is based on modified styrene butadiene latex supplied as a ready to use bonding
agent in liquid consistency. It is used for repair of spalled concrete – floors, columns, beams, chhajas, slabs
& waterproofing of toilets & bathrooms, small terraces etc. as it bonds strongly to old & new concrete
and to plasters. It reduces shrinkage, prevents cracking, dust pick up & improves abrasion resistance.

Standard Compliance / specification
Meets the requirements of BS 6319 part 2:1983 & ASTM C 190-85 standards

Areas of Application

  • For concrete repairs – Spalled concrete of floors, columns, beams, chajja, slabs, parapets, etc.
  • For waterproofing – Small roof terraces, sunken portions of toilets & bathrooms, chajja & lift pits,
  • As a bond coat – For bonding of new concrete to old concrete, masonry stone work, plastering
  • For cladding – Fixing or re-fixing of slip bricks, tiles, stones & marble bedding
  • As external rendering – Weatherproof & frost resistant render
  • As bonding slurry coat for pinhole treatment on concrete surface

Features & Benefits

  • Multipurpose – It is multipurpose & economical product, easy to use
  • Cracking – It prevents cracking by improving flexural strength
  • Hardness – Improves the hardness & prevents dust generation
  • Shrinkage – Reduces drying & aging shrinkage cracks
  • Bonding – Bond strongly to concrete, masonry, stonework, plasters, cementitious surfaces
  • Erosion & corrosion – Improves erosion resistance & prevents corrosion
  • Abrasion resistance – Improves abrasion resistance of the cement mix
  • Grouting – Reduces viscosity of cement injection grout for better fluidity & bonding

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for DR. FIXIT PIDICRETE URP ?

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its authorised channel only.
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence, deliveries are prompt.

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in the market. The company
is an extension of a 120 year old firm.


Sunanda Rusticide

Product Details:
Pack Size 20 ltr
Packaging Type bucket
Usage/Application Industrial Use
Application Domestic Use
Brand sunanda


Rust Remover and Passivator

RUSTICIDE is a single component sulphate and chloride free liquid, which in one operation removes rust and prevents
further rusting of steel.

APPLICATIONS Removes rust and prevents further rusting of

New/ old reinforcement steel in new construction.
Embedded steel in repairable structures.
Various steel structures like tanks, water pipelines, effluent pipelines, trusses, purlins, rafters and other
structural members.


RUSTICIDE performs rust removal and rust prevention in one operation in mild conditions.

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for SUNANDA RUSTICIDE ?

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its authorised channel only.
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence, deliveries are prompt.

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in the market. The company
is an extension of a 120 year old firm.

Leak Seal Tape

Product Details:
Tape Width 40-60 mm
Tape Length 10-20 m
Color White /Butyl Rubber
Usage/Feature Sealling Tape
MOQ 5 Box
Tape Type Adhesive

KWICKSEAL GT50 is a self-adhesive Butyl tape with non- woven polyester or polypropylene fleece top & bottom with
butyl adhesive , which is designed to create waterproof & vapor tight joint. It takes excellent adhesion on
metals, glass, PVC timber, concrete, cement bonded particle boards, drywalls ceramics,masonry porous & non-
porous surface & create waterproo & vapor-tight joints. Fleece bonds Excellently with paint , coating ,
plaster & other adhesives.

Sunanda Hack Aid Plast (20 Kg)

Product Details:
Type Polyurethane Foams, Epoxy Based, Latex Based, Polyester Based
Material liquid
Grade Standard Industrial Grade
Packaging Type Pouch


HACK AID PLAST is a unique single pack polymeric solution that strengthens the bond between plaster and
new and old concrete greatly.

1. Bond between concrete and plaster
2. Bond between concrete and ceramic /glaze tile

1. HACK AID PLAST holds the concrete tightly due to interaction polymerisation.
2. As the concrete cures, the bond strength also increases.
3. Non-ionic, no possibility of attack on concrete by chlorides, alkalis, sulphates, etc.
4. It does not have any corroding or deteriorating effect on the reinforcement steel.
5. The bond between steel and concrete is also preserved by HACK AID PLAST.
6. Laboratory tests reveal that the force required to pull out HACK AID PLAST aided plaster is twice the
force required to detach ordinary plaster. (Hack-AidPlast not used)
7. In general, in many repair cases gunniting does not last due to inadequate bond. This may be easily
remedied by HACK AID PLAST. Use of HACK AID PLAST as a bonding layer before gunniting reduces the
rebound loss.

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for SUNANDA HACK AID PLAST ?

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its authorised
channel only. Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence, deliveries are

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in the market.
The company is an extension of a 120 year old firm.

Roff Bond Repair

Product Details:
Usage/Application BOND REPAIR
Packaging Size 20 kg
Type Polyurethane Foams, Epoxy Based, Polyester Based, Latex Based
Brand roff
Grade Standard Industrial Grade
Packaging Type Bottle



Roff Bond Repair is a Styrene Butadiene Polymer Based Latex specially developed to form a matrix with
Roff Bond Repair is used as a bonding agent between old & new concrete, for cementitious substrates, waterproof
coating to small areas in bathrooms, balconies & small roofs. It is also effective to make repair mortars &
concrete in building rehab works.

Features & Benefits

  • Multi-purpose use as a bonding agent, modifier for cement-sand & concrete mixes in building repairs
  • Excellent adhesion to reinforcement and concrete
  • Increases flexural strength & tensile strength of concrete & mortar
  • Reduces shrinkage & water permeability in concrete & mortar
  • Good as a bonding agent in repairs & renovations

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for ROFF BOND REPAIR ?

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its authorised channel only.
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence, deliveries are prompt.

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in the market. The company
is an extension of a 120 year old firm.

Sunanda Polyalk Fixoprime

Product Details:
Brand Sunanda
Packaging Size Available in 1kg, 5kg & 20kg
Packaging Type Drum
Form Liquid
Country of Origin Made in India


POLYALK FIXOPRIME is a highly alkaline, polymeric, elastomeric formulation specially designed to protect steelfrom
corrosion by passivation mechanism.


  • One-pack system. Can be mixed with cement easily forming ahighly alkaline co-matrix.
  • High alkalinity of cement reinforced by high alkalinity, high flexuralstrength and extra adhesion due to
    specially engineered polymersin POLYALK FIXOPRIME, gives long term protection to steelagainst corrosion.
  • Treatment can be carried out at site. Coated bars do not sufferbond loss when embedded in concrete unlike epoxy
    coated barswhich are known to suffer substantial bond loss.

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for SUNANDA POLYALK FIXOPRIME ?

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its authorised channel only.
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence, deliveries are prompt.

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in the market. The company
is an extension of a 120 year old firm.

Dr. Fixit Super Latex

Product Details:
Usage/Application personal
Packaging Type packet,bottle
Packaging Size 5 KG
Form liquid


Dr. Fixit Super Latex is based on modified styrene butadiene latex used for high performance applications in
waterproofing and repairs. It is used for repairs of spalled concrete such as – floors, columns, beams, chhajjas,
slabs & waterproofing of toilets, bathrooms & terraces. It bonds strongly to old & new concrete or

Areas of Application

  • As bond coating – Plaster to plaster, concrete to concrete, plaster over brick masonry
  • As waterproof repair plaster
  • As crack repair – Plaster cracks more than 5 mm, In gaps developed between masonry and RCC members.
  • As coating for prevention of corrosion in rebars.
  • For cladding – Fixing or refixing of slip bricks, tiles, stones & marble bedding

Bond agent – Mix Dr. Fixit Super Latex, water and cement in 1:4:7 proportion by volume and apply this mix with
brush in a single coat over the clean any surface.

Renders, patching & crack repair mortar – Mix 5 kg of Super Latex with 15 ltr of water 50 kg cement and
150 kg sand. Fill the crack with above prepared mortar. Compact it into the crack fully and trowel finish to level.

Waterproof coating – Mix Dr. Fixit Super Latex, water and cement in 1:4:7 proportion by volume. Apply 1st coat
when the surface is in saturated dry condition and allow it to dry for 4 to 6 hours. Overlay the 2nd coat with
screed/plaster for protection and finish.

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for DR. FIXIT SUPER LATEX ?

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its authorised channel only.
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence, deliveries are prompt.

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in the market. The company
is an extension of a 120 year old firm.

Fosroc Lokfix P

Product Details:
Usage/Application personal
Packaging Type packet,bottle
Packaging Size 5 KG
Form liquid


Lokfix is a two-component polyester resin anchoring grout, meeting the requirements of BS EN 1504-6: Anchoring of
reinforced steel bars.

Supplied in pre-measured quantities, the material cures quickly to give consistent, high performance anchorages.

Lokfix P : Thixotropic grade, 25 minute gel at 20°C for use in overhead or horizontal holes where the hole is up to
25 mm greater in diameter than the bar. The thixotropic nature of Lokfix P reduces flow of grout out of the hole.

  • Rapid strength gain.
  • Vibration resistant.
  • Corrosion resistant.
  • Non-expansive.
  • Can be placed underwater

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for FOSROC LOKFIX P ?

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its authorised channel only.
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence, deliveries are prompt.

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in the market. The company
is an extension of a 120 year old firm.

Sika Latex Power

Product Details:
Physical State Liquid
Usage Industrial
Category Waterproofing Coating
Form of Chemicals Liquid


SBR based multipurpose polymer for waterproofing and repair

Sika® Latex Power is a synthetic rubber emulsion which when added to cement slurry/ cement
mortar/concrete/grout provides good adhesion and water resistance. It comes in the form of a milky liquid. It is
fully soluble in water and is to be added directly to the gauging water of mortar/concrete/ cementitious grout.

For waterproofing of roof slabs, sunken slabs, basements, water tanks, sunshades etc. in combination with
As a bonding agent for uses in repair and plastering
For making polymer mortar for repairs mortars etc.
Treatment for leaching and saltpetre action
Multipurpose mortar admixture for injection grouts

Characteristics / Advantages
Improves elasticity, flexibility, tensile strength of cement and reduces cracking
Makes the mortar waterproof and reduces susceptibility to acids and gases, salt petre action etc.
Mortar with Sika® Latex Power shows extremely good bonding to bases like concrete, stone, brick etc.
Reduces viscosity of cement injection grout and improves bond of cured injected materials with substrates
Sika® Latex Power can be diluted with water (1 : 4 – 6) depending on the type of application
Screed required with Sikacim® / Sika® Plastocrete Super to protect waterproofing layer
Standard coating system can be further reinforced by placing Sika
Fab 1 fabric layer in between 1st and the 2nd coat.

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for SIKA LATEX POWER ?

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its authorised channel only.
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence, deliveries are prompt.

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in the market. The company
is an extension of a 120 year old firm.

Flashband Self Adhesive Flashing Tape

Product Details:
Tape Width >100 mm
Tape Length 10-20 m
Color Silver Aluminum Top
Usage/Feature Binding
MOQ 10 box
Tape Type Adhesive
Total Thickness 1.5mm
Adhesive Type Bituminious

a. What is flashband self adhesive flashing tape
kwickseal at:
multi-purpose, do-it-yourself

self adhesive bitumen sealing tape

1. Description:

· kwickseal at is cold-applied, flexible, rubberized bitumen based sealing tape.

· it is a two layered 1. 5mm polymer bitumen waterproofing layer with an aluminum foil to protect the material from
impacts of uv radiation and to protect the adhesion of sealed elements.

· the bottom side of kwickseal at is covered with an easily removable protective film.

· kwickseal at is a convenient way to seal various cracks and joints.

· it can also be used to insulate junctions for roofing repairs.

· kwickseal at is specially designed for sealing substrates like metals, concrete, wood, glass, plastic (tpo, pp, pe)
and bitumen.

2. Packing and size:

· kwickseal at comes in width of 100mm.
the length of 10mtr is standard for all variants.
thickness of 1. 5mm is standard for all variants.
packing is available in aluminum coated rolls.

3. Product advantages:
·waterproof: excellent adhesion and instantly watertight.

flexible: excellent cold flexibility up to -25°c and maximum 100°c.
heat resistant: can be exposed to elements indefinitely. Versatile flashing around exterior protrusions.
cold applied: eliminates fire hazard during application.
do-it-yourself: installs easily without any tar, torches, mops, glues or fasteners.
saves time, material, labour and utility costs.
multipurpose and multi-surface application.

4. Applications:

· rooftops,drained systems,ventilation junction,cold  pipes,green houses, facades,joints and corners,building
cracks,storage tanks,pre-engineered building structures

5. Surface preparation:

· surface should be cleaned of any dust, oil, loose particles and water.  application temperature should be above 5°c
and below 80°c.  application should not be done on wet surfaces. The surface must be completely dry and clean for
enduring results.

6. Product applications:

· measure and cut kwickseal at to required length.
for better sealing kwickseal at should overlap the hole or    gap for 3-5cm from each side depending on the damage.

· remove the protective film.

· gently position kwickseal at to the surface and press it with a roller or hand.

· expel any air, especially on overlaps and at edges.

· installation on cylindrical surfaces:  to repair damage on pipes, the tape is wound spirally (with an overlap on
the previous turn).

b. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is best option for flashband self adhesive flashing tape ?

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its authorised channel only.
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence, deliveries are prompt.

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in the market. The company
is an extension of a 120 year old firm.

Gas Pipe Line Wrapping Tape

Product Details:
Tape Width 40-60 mm
Tape Length 10-20 m
Color White Non-woven & Butyl rubber
Usage/Feature Cold pipe/ vapor tight joints
MOQ 5 box
Tape Type Adhesive

KWICKSEAL GT50 is a self-adhesive Butyl tape with non- woven polyester or polypropylene fleece top & bottom with
butyl adhesive , which is designed to create waterproof & vapor tight joint. It takes excellent adhesion on
metals, glass, PVC timber, concrete, cement bonded particle boards, drywalls ceramics,masonry porous & non-
porous surface & create waterproo & vapor-tight joints. Fleece bonds Excellently with paint , coating ,
plaster & other adhesives.

Kwickseal AT100

Product Details:
Backing Material Bitumen Based Sealing
Tape Width >100 mm
Tape Length 10-20 m
Color Silver Aluminium Top
Tape Type Adhesive




1. Description:

·         KWICKSEAL AT is cold-applied, flexible, rubberized bitumen based sealing tape.

·         It is a two layered 1.5mm polymer bitumen waterproofing layer with an aluminum foil to protect the material
from impacts of UV radiation and to protect the adhesion of sealed elements.

·         The bottom side of KWICKSEAL AT is covered with an easily removable protective film.

·         KWICKSEAL AT is a convenient way to seal various cracks and joints.

·         It can also be used to insulate junctions for roofing repairs.

·         KWICKSEAL AT is specially designed for sealing substrates like metals, concrete, wood, glass, plastic (TPO,
PP, PE) and bitumen.

2. Packing and Size:

·        KWICKSEAL AT comes in width of 100mm.
The length of 10mtr is standard for all variants.
Thickness of 1.5mm is standard for all variants.
Packing is available in aluminum coated rolls.

3.Product Advantages:

·         Waterproof: Excellent adhesion and instantly watertight.
Flexible: Excellent cold flexibility up to -25°C and maximum 100°C.
Heat Resistant: Can be exposed to elements indefinitely. Versatile flashing around exterior protrusions.
Cold applied: Eliminates fire hazard during application.
Do-it-yourself: Installs easily without any tar, torches, mops, glues or fasteners.
Saves time, material, labour and utility costs.
Multipurpose and multi-surface application.


·        Rooftops,Drained Systems,Ventilation Junction,Cold  Pipes,Green Houses, Facades,Joints and corners,Building
Cracks,Storage Tanks,Pre-Engineered Building Structures

5.Surface Preparation:

·       Surface should be cleaned of any dust, oil, loose particles and water. Application temperature should be
above 5°C and below 80°C. Application should not be done on wet surfaces. The surface must be completely dry and
clean for enduring results.

6.Product Applications:

·         Measure and cut KWICKSEAL AT to required length.
For better sealing KWICKSEAL AT should overlap the hole or gap for 3-5cm from each side depending on the damage.

·       Remove the protective film.

·       Gently position KWICKSEAL AT to the surface and press it with a roller or hand.

·        Expel any air, especially on overlaps and at edges.

·        Installation on Cylindrical surfaces:  To repair damage on pipes, the tape is wound spirally (with an
overlap on the previous turn).

Kwickseal Neo100

Product Details:
Backing Material Waterproofing
Tape Width >100 mm
Tape Length 10-20 m
Color aluminum silver foil / Black Butyl Rubber
Brand Kwickseal
Usage/Feature waterproofing & damage control
MOQ 6 ctn
Tape Type Adhesive
Total Thickness 0.5mm
Adhesive Type self adhesive
Country of Origin Made in India

KWICKSEAL™NEO is a completely waterproof, cold applied, highly flexible, rubberized adhesive compound, protected by a
poly-aluminium membrane. It is highly adhesive even at low temperatures to almost all building materials. The
poly-aluminium membrane protects the flexible adhes ive from UV rays and ageing.The bottom s ide of KWICKSEAL™NEO is
covered with an easily removable protective film. KWICKSEAL™NEO is a do-it-yourself product to seal various joints,
junctions and intersections even on extremely smooth surfaces. KWICKSEAL™NEO is specially designed for economical
sealing from ingress of air and water in pipes, tarpaulin, liners, plastic tanks, roofing sheets and automobile
bodies.Its thin layer can take shapes of bends and corners to give excellent performance as a waterproofing material
in construction and roofing industry

Additional Information:

  • Item Code: KwicksealNeo100
  • Packaging Details: 24 pcs per carton

Kwickseal AT50

Product Details:
Backing Material Bitumen Based Sealing
Tape Width 40-60 mm
Tape Length 10-20 m
Color Silver Aluminium Top
Usage/Feature Waterproofing and sealing
MOQ 24 units
Tape Type Adhesive
Total Thickness 1.5mm




1. Description:

·         KWICKSEAL AT is cold-applied, flexible, rubberized bitumen based sealing tape.

·         It is a two layered 1.5mm polymer bitumen waterproofing layer with an aluminum foil to protect the material
from impacts of UV radiation and to protect the adhesion of sealed elements.

·         The bottom side of KWICKSEAL AT is covered with an easily removable protective film.

·         KWICKSEAL AT is a convenient way to seal various cracks and joints.

·         It can also be used to insulate junctions for roofing repairs.

·         KWICKSEAL AT is specially designed for sealing substrates like metals, concrete, wood, glass, plastic (TPO,
PP, PE) and bitumen.

2. Packing and Size:

·        KWICKSEAL AT comes in width of 50mm.
The length of 10mtr is standard for all variants.
Thickness of 1.5mm is standard for all variants.
Packing is available in aluminum coated rolls.

3.Product Advantages:

·         Waterproof: Excellent adhesion and instantly watertight.
Flexible: Excellent cold flexibility up to -25°C and maximum 100°C.
Heat Resistant: Can be exposed to elements indefinitely. Versatile flashing around exterior protrusions.
Cold applied: Eliminates fire hazard during application.
Do-it-yourself: Installs easily without any tar, torches, mops, glues or fasteners.
Saves time, material, labour and utility costs.
Multipurpose and multi-surface application.


·        Rooftops,Drained Systems,Ventilation Junction,Cold  Pipes,Green Houses, Facades,Joints and corners,Building
Cracks,Storage Tanks,Pre-Engineered Building Structures

5.Surface Preparation:

·       Surface should be cleaned of any dust, oil, loose particles and water. Application temperature should be
above 5°C and below 80°C. Application should not be done on wet surfaces. The surface must be completely dry and
clean for enduring results.

6.Product Applications:

·         Measure and cut KWICKSEAL AT to required length.
For better sealing KWICKSEAL AT should overlap the hole or gap for 3-5cm from each side depending on the damage.

·       Remove the protective film.

·       Gently position KWICKSEAL AT to the surface and press it with a roller or hand.

·        Expel any air, especially on overlaps and at edges.

·        Installation on Cylindrical surfaces:  To repair damage on pipes, the tape is wound spirally (with an
overlap on the previous turn).

Kwickseal At150

Product Details:
Backing Material Bitumen Based Sealing
Tape Width >100 mm
Tape Length 10-20 m
Color Silver Aluminium Top
Usage/Feature Waterproofing and sealing
MOQ 10 Box
Tape Type Adhesive
Total Thickness 1.5mm
Adhesive Strength Very Good


A. What is KWICKSEAL AT150



1. Description:

·         KWICKSEAL AT is cold-applied, flexible, rubberized bitumen based sealing tape.

·         It is a two layered 1.5mm polymer bitumen waterproofing layer with an aluminum foil to protect the material
from impacts of UV radiation and to protect the adhesion of sealed elements.

·         The bottom side of KWICKSEAL AT is covered with an easily removable protective film.

·         KWICKSEAL AT is a convenient way to seal various cracks and joints.

·         It can also be used to insulate junctions for roofing repairs.

·         KWICKSEAL AT is specially designed for sealing substrates like metals, concrete, wood, glass, plastic (TPO,
PP, PE) and bitumen.

2. Packing and Size:

·        KWICKSEAL AT comes in width of 150mm.
The length of 10mtr is standard for all variants.
Thickness of 1.5mm is standard for all variants.
Packing is available in aluminum coated rolls.

3.Product Advantages:

·         Waterproof: Excellent adhesion and instantly watertight.
Flexible: Excellent cold flexibility up to -25°C and maximum 100°C.
Heat Resistant: Can be exposed to elements indefinitely. Versatile flashing around exterior protrusions.
Cold applied: Eliminates fire hazard during application.
Do-it-yourself: Installs easily without any tar, torches, mops, glues or fasteners.
Saves time, material, labour and utility costs.
Multipurpose and multi-surface application.


·        Rooftops,Drained Systems,Ventilation Junction,Cold  Pipes,Green Houses, Facades,Joints and corners,Building
Cracks,Storage Tanks,Pre-Engineered Building Structures

5.Surface Preparation:

·       Surface should be cleaned of any dust, oil, loose particles and water. Application temperature should be
above 5°C and below 80°C. Application should not be done on wet surfaces. The surface must be completely dry and
clean for enduring results.

6.Product Applications:

·         Measure and cut KWICKSEAL AT to required length.
For better sealing KWICKSEAL AT should overlap the hole or gap for 3-5cm from each side depending on the damage.

· Remove the protective film.

· Gently position KWICKSEAL AT to the surface and press it with a roller or hand.

· Expel any air, especially on overlaps and at edges.

· Installation on Cylindrical surfaces:  To repair damage on pipes, the tape is wound spirally (with an overlap on
the previous turn).

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for BITUMEN TAPE ?

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its authorised channel only.
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence, deliveries are prompt.

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in the market. The company
is an extension of a 120 year old firm.

Butyl Flashing Tape

Product Details:
Tape Width >100 mm
Tape Length 10-20 m
Color Silver Aluminum Foil/ Butyl Rubber
Usage/Feature Waterproofing
Tape Type Adhesive

KWICKSEAL BT 150 is cold- applied, flexible, synthetic rubber sealing tape made from

Preminum Butyl rubber.

It is a two layered 1.5mm Butyl rubber waterproofing layer with an aluminun foil

to protect the material from impacts of UV radiation & to products the adhesion of sealed


The Bottom Side KWICKSEAL BT is covered with an easily removable protective film.

KWICKSEAL BT is a convenient way to seal various cracks & joints.

It can also be used to insulate junctions for roofing repairs & HVAC.

KWICKSEAL BT is specially designed for sealing substrates like matels, concrete, wood,

Glass, plastic ( TPO, PP,PE ).

Smart Care APP Membrane

Product Details:
Usage/Application Waterproofing
Coverage Area 10 SQ. MTR.
Waterproofing Type Sheet Membrane
Water Proofing Material BITUMEN AND POLYESTER
Physical State SOLID
Thickness 2mm,3mm,4mm
Packaging Type Roll


Asian Paints SmartCare Waterproofing Membrane is a APP modified polyester reinforced bituminous membrane for superior
waterproofing. This membrane exhibits excellent tensile strength, tear strength, puncture resistance and dimensional
stability. The torch side of the membrane is covered with polyethylene film for protection of the membrane.Waterproofing
/damproofing membrane in horizontal and vertical applications for protection of various substrates like concrete,
masonry, GI, aluminium, wood etc. in wide range of uses: > > > > > > Accessible and non accessible
medium to large roof slabs in domestic, commercial and industrial construction.( As per specified system for
accessibility) Basements and raft slabs Swimming Pools Roof Gardens Underground car parks Bridges & Tunnels

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for SMART CARE APP MEMBRANES ?

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its authorised channel only.
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence, deliveries are prompt.

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in the market. The company is
an extension of a 120 year old firm.

Sika WP Shield 103 PM

Product Details:
Thickness 3(-0.2)/(+0.3) mm
Brand Sika
Packaging Size 1 x 10 m roll
Ambient Temperature =10 to +50 deg C
Substrate Temperature +10 to +60 deg C
Tear Strength 300N(L)
Tensile Strength 600 +-150(L) N/mm2
Elongation At Break 40 +- 10 %(L)
Appearance or Colours Black membrane,Upper finish Mineral Granules,Underside finish PE Film
Chemical Base APP modified bituminous membrane
Cold Flexibility -2 deg C
Water Tightness 10kPa

A. What is SIKA WP SHIELD 103 PM ?

This type of membrane is manufactured by modifying premium grade asphalts with atactic poly propylene and specially
reinforced with non- woven polyester and slate mineral finish. This type of membrane show excellent strength, elasticity
and durability.


  • It is used as waterproofing /dam proofing membrane for protection of various substrates in wide range of
  • Medium to large roof slabs ( domestic, commercial and industrial)
  • Basements and raft slabs
  • Underground car parks ,bridges & underpass etc.

Storage Conditions / Shelf-Life:

  • Rolls must be stored in their original package, in vertical position and under cool and dry conditions. They
    must be protected from direct sunlight, rain, snow and ice, etc. The shelf life is 12 months if stored as per

Substrate Quality:

  • Concrete, mortar surfaces must be clean, free from grease, oil, and loosely adhering particles. Steel and iron
    surfaces must be free from scale, rust, grease and oil.

Application Method / Tools:

  • Application procedure may vary slightly depending upon site conditions. However given below are general
    guidelines. Apply bituminous primer to a clean, smooth and dry surface by brush, roller or spray. Unroll and
    align and re roll correctly before torching. Overlaps should be minimum 100mm.Use gas burner to heat the
    substrate and thermo fusible film on the underside on lower face of membrane. When the thermo- fusible film
    melts after torching, the membrane is ready to stick. Roll forward and press firmly against the substrate to
    bond. Heat both the overlaps and use the round tipped trowel heating the same to smoothen and press into seam.
    All angles and abutments should be sealed with extra care to ensure full bondage. The edges should be sealed
    well into the grooves.

Value Base:

  • All technical data stated in this Product Data Sheet are based on laboratory tests. Actual measured data may
    vary due to circumstances beyond our control.

Health and Safety Information:

  • For information and advice on the safe handling, storage and disposal of chemical products, users shall refer to
    the most recent Material Safety Data Sheet containing physical, ecological, toxicological and other
    safety-related data.

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for SIKA WP SHIELD 103 PM ?

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its authorised channel only.
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence, deliveries are prompt.

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in the market. The company is
an extension of a 120 year old firm.

Smart Care APP Membrane Mineral Finish

Product Details:
Thickness Available in 3mm & 4mm
Brand Asian Paints Ltd
Packaging Type Roll


Smart Care APP Membrane Mineral Finish used as waterproofing /damp proofing membrane for protection of various
substrates in wide range of applications.

  • Medium to large roof slabs ( domestic,commercial & industrial)
  • Basements and raft slabs
  • Exposed roofs (Mineral finish membranes)
  • Underground car parks etc.
  • Bridges & Underpass

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for SMART CARE APP MEMBRANES MINERAL FINISH

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its authorised channel only.
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence, deliveries are prompt.

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in the market. The company is
an extension of a 120 year old firm.

Sbs Self Adhesive Membrane (Aluminium Top)

Product Details:
Type Roll
Thickness Available in 1mm


SBS Waterproof Material Self Adhesive Aluminium Membrane  is produced with SBS elastomer and bitumen as raw materials,
using polyethylene film.

Aluminium foil coated on the upward or no file(both side self-adhesive) while self-adhesive protection layer on the

surface.It has a widely prospect new contruction waterproof materials. Good self-adhesion, no leaking,cold

in self-adhesion. That is unque product in waterproof and application.

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for SBS SELF ADHESIVE MEMBRANE (ALUMINIUM TOP) ?

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its authorised channel only.
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence, deliveries are prompt.

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in the market. The company is
an extension of a 120 year old firm.

Sika WP Shield Membrane

Product Details:
Brand Sika
Packaging Size 1 x 10 m roll
Appearance or Colours Black membrane,Upper finish PE Film,Underside finish PE Film
Thickness 3 (-0.2)/(+0.3)mm
Tensile Strength 600 +- 150N/5cm(L)
Elongation at Break 40 +-10%(L)
Cold Flexibility -2deg C

This type of membrane is manufactured by modifying premium grade asphalts with atactic poly propylene and specially
reinforced with non- woven polyester. This type of membrane show excellent strength, elasticity and durability.


  • It is used as waterproofing /dam proofing membrane for protection of various substrates in wide range of
  • Medium to large roof slabs ( domestic, commercial and industrial) Basements and raft slabs
  • Underground car parks etc.
  • Bridges & Underpass

Application Details:

  • Substrate Quality Concrete, mortar surfaces must be clean, free from grease, oil, and loosely adhering
    particles. Steel and iron surfaces must be free from scale, rust, grease and oil.

Application Method / Tools:

  • Application procedure may vary slightly depending upon site conditions. However given below are general
    guidelines. Apply bituminous primer to a clean, smooth and dry surface by brush, roller or spray. Unroll and
    align and re roll correctly before torching. Overlaps should be minimum 100mm.Use gas burner to heat the
    substrate and thermo fusible film on the underside on lower face of membrane. When the thermo- fusible film
    melts after torching, the membrane is ready to stick. Roll forward and press firmly against the substrate to
    bond. Heat both the overlaps and use the round tipped trowel heating the same to smoothen and press into seam.
    All angles and abutments should be sealed with extra care to ensure full bondage. The edges should be sealed
    well into the grooves.

Value Base:

  • All technical data stated in this Product Data Sheet are based on laboratory tests. Actual measured data may
    vary due to circumstances beyond our control.

Health and Safety Information:

  • For information and advice on the safe handling, storage and disposal of chemical products, users shall refer to
    the most recent Material Safety Data Sheet containing physical, ecological, toxicological and other
    safety-related data.

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for SIKA WP SHIELD MEMBRANE ?

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its authorised channel only.
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence, deliveries are prompt.

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in the market. The company is
an extension of a 120 year old firm.

PP Woven Roll

Color White
Material PP

A. What is PP WOVEN ROLL ?

Multi Purpose Waterproofing membrane. KWICKFELT PP is a flexible , non-toxic, multiple ply waterproofing membrane based on a combination of selected synthetic polymer raw materials. The core membrane is protected with PP non-woven geo-textile on both sides. This increases strength and combines perfectly with cement slurry and tile adhesives to make it an ideal choice for multipurpose waterproofing application. KWICKFELT PP can be used as a waterproof and damp-proof layer for internal as well as external structures. KWICKFELT PP is developed for waterproofing of floors and walls.
Product Application:

  • Sunken Areas
  • Basement & Foundations
  • Wet Areas(Bathrooms/Kitchens)
  • Small SWimming Pools
  • Slopped Concrete Rooftops
  • Cement Fiber Board Panels/Dry Walls
  • Small & Medium Terraces

Single Sided Self Adhesive Bitumen Flashing Tape

Tape Width >100 mm
Tape Length 10-20 m
Color Silver Aluminum Foil & Black Bitumen
Usage/Feature Leakproofing
MOQ 5 Box
Tape Type Adhesive

KWICKSEAL AT 100 is cold- applied, flexible, rubberized Bitumen based sealing tape.

It is a two layered 1.5mm Polymer Bitumen waterproofing layer with an aluminun foil

to protect the material from impacts of UV radiation & to products the adhesion of sealed


The Bottom Side KWICKSEAL AT is covered with an easily removable protective film.

KWICKSEAL AT is a convenient way to seal various cracks & joints.

It can also be used to insulate junctions for roofing repairs.

KWICKSEAL AT is specially designed for sealing substrates like matels, concrete, wood,

Glass, plastic ( TPO, PP,PE ) & Bitumen.

Bus Roof Leakage Protection Tape

Tape Width >100 mm
Tape Length 10-20 m
Color Silver Aluminum Foil / Butyl Rubber
Usage/Feature Waterproofing
MOQ 5 Box
Tape Type Adhesive

KWICKSEAL BT 150 is cold- applied, flexible, synthetic rubber sealing tape made from

Preminum Butyl rubber.

It is a two layered 1.5mm Butyl rubber waterproofing layer with an aluminun foil

to protect the material from impacts of UV radiation & to products the adhesion of sealed


The Bottom Side KWICKSEAL BT is covered with an easily removable protective film.

KWICKSEAL BT is a convenient way to seal various cracks & joints.

It can also be used to insulate junctions for roofing repairs & HVAC.

KWICKSEAL BT is specially designed for sealing substrates like matels, concrete, wood,

Glass, plastic ( TPO, PP,PE ).

Self Adhesive Bituminous Sealing Tape

Tape Width >100 mm
Tape Length 10-20 m
Color Silver foil Black tape
Usage/Feature Roof Repair
MOQ 5 box
Tape Type Adhesive

KWICKSEAL AT 200 is cold- applied, flexible, rubberized Bitumen based sealing tape.

It is a two layered 1.5mm Polymer Bitumen waterproofing layer with an aluminun foil

to protect the material from impacts of UV radiation & to products the adhesion of sealed


The Bottom Side KWICKSEAL AT is covered with an easily removable protective film.

KWICKSEAL AT is a convenient way to seal various cracks & joints.

It can also be used to insulate junctions for roofing repairs.

KWICKSEAL AT is specially designed for sealing substrates like matels, concrete, wood,

Glass, plastic ( TPO, PP,PE ) & Bitumen.

Roof Leak Repair Tape

Type of Project Roof
Type Of Construction Multi Sufurce
Service Type Self Adhesive
Material Bitumen
Thickness 1.5mm
Feature Self Adhesive Application
Usage/Application waterproofing

KWICKSEAL is cold- applied, flexible, rubberized Bitumen based sealing tape.

It is a two layered 1.5mm Polymer Bitumen waterproofing layer with an aluminun foil

to protect the material from impacts of UV radiation & to products the adhesion of sealed


The Bottom Side KWICKSEAL AT is covered with an easily removable protective film.

KWICKSEAL is a convenient way to seal various cracks & joints.

It can also be used to insulate junctions for roofing repairs.

KWICKSEAL is specially designed for sealing substrates like matels, concrete, wood,

Glass, plastic ( TPO, PP,PE ) & Bitumen.

Shali Tex Primer

Packaging Size 20 ltr
Packaging Type Can
Usage/Application Industrial
Color Black
Coverage Area 900 SQ.FT.
Paint Base Type Oil Based Paint
Paint Type Enamel
Finish High Gloss
Primer Base Type Oil Based
Form Of Paint Liquid
Application Method Brush
Coats Required 1
Country of Origin Made in India

We “Royal Industrial Corporation” are engaged in wholesaling and trading a high-quality
of Concrete Admixtures, Waterproof Coatings, etc. We are a Sole Proprietorship company that is
in the year 2010 at Mumbai, Maharashtra and are connected with the renowned vendors of the market
assist us to provide a qualitative range of products as per the global set standards.

Under the supervision of “Mr. Yusuf Lokhandwala“, we have attained a dynamic position in this sector.

Butyl Tape For Concrete Pipes And Manholes

Tape Width >100 mm
Tape Length 10-20 m
Color Silver Aluminum Foil/ Bitumen Black
Usage/Feature Waterproofing
MOQ 5 Box
Tape Type Adhesive

KWICKSEAL AT 50 is cold- applied, flexible, rubberized Bitumen based sealing tape.

It is a two layered 1.5mm Polymer Bitumen waterproofing layer with an aluminun foil

to protect the material from impacts of UV radiation & to products the adhesion of sealed


The Bottom Side KWICKSEAL AT is covered with an easily removable protective film.

KWICKSEAL AT is a convenient way to seal various cracks & joints.

It can also be used to insulate junctions for roofing repairs.

KWICKSEAL AT is specially designed for sealing substrates like matels, concrete, wood,

Glass, plastic ( TPO, PP,PE ) & Bitumen.

Aluminium Adhesive Bitumen Flashing Tape

Tape Width >100 mm
Tape Length 10-20 m
Color silver aluminum foil black bitumen
Usage/Feature Waterproofing & sealing
MOQ 5 Box
Tape Type Adhesive

KWICKSEAL AT 100 is cold- applied, flexible, rubberized Bitumen based sealing tape.

It is a two layered 1.5mm Polymer Bitumen waterproofing layer with an aluminun foil

to protect the material from impacts of UV radiation & to products the adhesion of sealed


The Bottom Side KWICKSEAL AT is covered with an easily removable protective film.

KWICKSEAL AT is a convenient way to seal various cracks & joints.

It can also be used to insulate junctions for roofing repairs.

KWICKSEAL AT is specially designed for sealing substrates like matels, concrete, wood,

Glass, plastic ( TPO, PP,PE ) & Bitumen.

4 Inch Bitumen Tape

Tape Width >100 mm
Tape Length 10-20 m
Color silver aluminum foil black bitumen
Usage/Feature Waterproofing & sealing
Tape Type Adhesive

KWICKSEAL AT 100 is cold- applied, flexible, rubberized Bitumen based sealing tape.

It is a two layered 1.5mm Polymer Bitumen waterproofing layer with an aluminun foil

to protect the material from impacts of UV radiation & to products the adhesion of sealed


The Bottom Side KWICKSEAL AT is covered with an easily removable protective film.

KWICKSEAL AT is a convenient way to seal various cracks & joints.

It can also be used to insulate junctions for roofing repairs.

KWICKSEAL AT is specially designed for sealing substrates like matels, concrete, wood,

Glass, plastic ( TPO, PP,PE ) & Bitumen.

Tiki Bond Bituminous Coatings

Brand Tiki Tar
Packaging Size Available in 18 Kg
Packaging Type DRUM
Usage/Application Roofs

We “Royal Industrial Corporation” are engaged in wholesaling and trading a high-quality
of Concrete Admixtures, Waterproof Coatings, etc. We are a Sole Proprietorship company that is
in the year 2010 at Mumbai, Maharashtra and are connected with the renowned vendors of the
assist us to provide a qualitative range of products as per the global set standards.

Under the supervision of “Mr. Yusuf Lokhandwala“, we have attained a dynamic position in this sector.

Stp Tarplastic Bituminous Compound

Model Number Stp Tarplastic Bituminous Compound
Packaging Type Bucket
Application Industry Automotive
Surface Of Application Wood, Paper, Glass
Chemical Type Stp Tarplastic Bituminous Compound
Packaging Size Available in 1 kg,4 kg,20 kg


TarPlastic® is a cold applied bituminous caulking compound in form of putty for hole / gap / crack sealing
concrete /
asbestos / corrugated / galvalised sheet.

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for TARPLASTIC ?

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its authorised channel
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence, deliveries are

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in the market. The
an extension of a 120 year old firm.

ShaliBond STP

Packaging Size Available in 20 Kg
Packaging Type DRUM

A. What is SHALIBOND ?

ShaliBond® BS / CS is a cold applied bituminous adhesive for fixing waterproofing membrane. It is
special grades of bitumen, suitably blended with other additives. It has semiliquid consistency and is ready

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for SHALIBOND ?

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its authorised channel
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence, deliveries are

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in the market. The
an extension of a 120 year old firm.

Tank Mastic / STP

Packaging Size Available in 1 L, 4 L, 20 L


TankMastic® is a specially formulated anti-corrosive, tasteless, odourless, nontoxic and black bituminous
protecting the internal surface of storage water tanks, pipes, etc. from corrosion

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for TANKMASTIC ?

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its authorised channel
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence, deliveries are

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in the market. The
an extension of a 120 year old firm.

Dr Fixit Urp

Form of Chemical Liquid
Brand Dr Fixit
Packaging Size 20KG
Types Masonry
Color white
Usage/Application Roofs, Concrete
Elongation At Break 1365%
Specific Gravity 0.95 -1.15kg/L
Packaging Type BUCKET
Form Liquid
Solid Content 55 +-2
Tensile Set recovery 95%
Water Vapor transmission 0.46g/h-m2

A. What is STARPROOF WF MB 602 ?
Starproof WF-AB-602 is High performance coldapplied single component waterproofing membrane,specially designed from a
blend of special resin and rubber,reinforced with special water repelling fillers, mineralsstabilizers and gelling
agent. STARPROOF WF-AB-602can be applied over several types of substrates aswaterproofing and protective coating for
concrete andmasonary.


  • Suitable for waterproofing and protection for wet areas, kitchens and substructures.
  • Vapor barrier coating for walls and floor.
  • Waterproofing system for shaded or tiled roofs.
  • Waterproofing for polyurethane foam slab
  • Waterproofing for polyester built up roofs
  • Maintenance of existing roofs, masonry and concrete Walls.
  • Apply two coats at rate of 0.8-1 kg/ m2 to provide a total thickness of minimum 1.5 mm.
  • Stir the contents of drum thoroughly to remove all sediments.
  • Apply material to achieve required thickness at an interval of 24 hours at room temperature.
  • At joints and detailing, apply a layer of mesh reinforcement while the first coat is wet. If needed you can
    apply the mesh reinforcement all over the application area.
  • Allow 24 hours for curing.


  • Single component, easy to apply, no need for mixing or heating.
  • Elastomeric bridge minor cracks which may occur in concrete substrate.
  • High tensile strength and elongation.
  • Excellent adhesion to substrate.
  • Highly elastic product and cures to rubber like membrane.
  • Capable of withstanding severe causes of expansion, contraction and deck movements.
  • Excellent UV Resistance, oxidation and ozone.
  • Resistance to peeling, chipping and/or separation and longer life.

Directions For Use:

  • The surface must be thoroughly cleaned and should be free of dirt, gravel, dust and oil. The concrete should be
    dry and smooth. Concrete shall be at least 28 days old, fully cured and well dry. All holes shall be repaired by
    proper cementitious mortar prior to application.


  • No need for primer coat prior to applying the STARPROOF WF-AB-602. IF NEEDED, and in case of dusty surface, a
    prime coat can be applied by diluting STARPROOF WFAB-602 with water and applying a prime coat. Wait for the coat
    to dry prior to application.


  • Theoretical coverage of STARPROOF WF-AB-602 is approximately 1 m2/ ltr., at 800 microns.


  • Store away from sunlight and preferably below 30°C.
  • Storage should be frost protected.

Health & Safety:

  • As with all chemicals, caution should always beexercised. Protective clothing such as gloves andgoggles should
    be worn.


  • Inhalation of vapor or mist should beavoided. If inhaled symptoms include coughing,wheezing, laryngitis, and
    shortness of breath, headache,nausea, and vomiting. Immediately shift victim to freshair, and, if needed
    immediately start artificial respiration.Give oxygen if breathing is labored. Get emergencymedical help.

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for STARPROOF WF MB 602 ?

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its authorised channel only.
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence, deliveries are prompt.

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in the market. The company is
an extension of a 120 year old firm.

Dr. Fixit Raincoat Waterproof Coating

Packaging Size 20kg
Brand Dr Fixit
Category Waterproofing Coating
Type Liquid
Form Liquid


Description Dr. Fixit Raincoat Waterproof Coating is composed of high quality emulsion polymer, weather durable
pigments, properly selected & graded fine fillers, additives & biocides. It is used as a waterproofing &
protective coating for exterior walls of the buildings.Typical Applications }} All types of exterior masonry surfaces,
concrete, cement sand renderings, etc. }} Applicable on cement sheets.Features }} Flexible covers hairline cracks (up to
0.5 mm) effectively, thus prevents ingress of water. }} Toughness – Tough film withstands wind driven rain. }} Ready to
use – No dilution is required. }} Breathability – Permeable to water vapour. }} Ease of application – User friendly,
easily applicable by brush, roller or spray. }} Non toxic – Eco Friendly. }} Primer – Can act as a primer cum
waterproofing coating for all water based exterior paints.

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for DR.FIXIT RAINCOAT WATERPROOF COATING ?

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its authorised channel only.
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence, deliveries are prompt.

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in the market. The company is
an extension of a 120 year old firm.

Additional Information:

  • Delivery Time: 3 WORKING DAYS


Dr. Fixit Raincoat

Specific Gravity 1.29
Tensile Strength Greater than 2.6N/mm2
Elongation Greater than 190%
Model 601
Adhesion Strength 1.5N/mm2
Coating Thickness 110microns


Dr. Fixit Raincoat is composed of high quality acrylic emulsion polymer, light fast & weather durable pigments,
properly selected & graded fine fillers, many additives & water as a medium. It is used as a waterproofing &
protective coating for exterior walls of the buildings because it forms higher film thickness, has excellent
flexibility, breathing properties, water resistance, crack-bridging ability, weathering durability and an excellent
resistance to the growth of microorganisms.

Areas of Application:

  • All types of exterior masonry surfaces, concrete, cement sand renderings, etc.
  • Applicable on asbestos sheets.

Features & Benefits:

  • Film thickness – Higher film thickness provides resistance to the movements of structures, gives crack bridging
    ability & waterproofing properties.
  • Flexibility – Flexible and covers hairline cracks(upto 0.5 mm) effectively so that no ingress of water.
  • Toughness – Tough films withstands wind driven rain.
  • Elasticity – High elasticity easily withstands stress caused by thermal expansion & contraction (>100%
    elongation at 110-120 micron DFT).
  • Ready to use – No dilution is required hence ensures desired film thickness built-up without affecting the
  • Microbial resistance – Resistance to fungus and algae hence maintains the aesthetic value.
  • UV resistant – Resistance to UV (Sun light) hence coating has longer life.
  • Dirt pick up – Very low dirt pick up & can be cleaned easily hence maintains the aesthetics.
  • Breathability – Permeable to water vapour.
  • Ease of application – User friendly, easily applicable by brush, roller or spray.
  • Toxicity – It is Non-toxic.

Method of Application:
Surface Preparation:

  • All new cement-sand renderings /concrete surfaces should be allowed to age 6 to 8 weeks before surface coating.
  • Surface for treatment must be thoroughly cleaned of all laitance, loose material, oil, grease, etc. by
    mechanical means such as wire brushing & shot blasting.
  • Finally vacuum cleaning of all loose solids and liquids can be done, if required.
  • All surface cracks upto 5 mm width should be filled up with Dr.Fixit Crack-X or Dr.Fixit Unifiller. Cracks more
    than 5 mm and all separation gaps should be filled up with Dr.Fixit Pidicrete URP or Dr.Fixit Unibond SBR
    modified mortar or as specified.


  • Prime the surface with Dr. Fixit Primeseal diluted with potable water by volume in 2:1 ratio (2 parts primer and
    1 part water) and allow it to dry for 2 to 3 hours.


  • Use Raincoat directly from the container. Stir contents well before use.
  • Apply two neat coats of Raincoat without dilution by brush or roller at a time interval of 5-6 hours.
  • For enhanced protection, apply additional coat of Raincoat on rain lashing walls, chajjas and parapet walls.
  • Allow the coated surface to air cure fully for 7 days.

Precautions & Limitations:

  • Do not dilute Dr. Fixit Raincoat.
  • Recommended to be primed with Dr. Fixit Primeseal only.
  • Do not apply when ambient temperature is below 100C or above 450C.
  • Do not apply in direct sunlight or during rains.
  • Adhesion property may get affected over poor quality putty and very smooth surfaces


Dr. Fixit Raincoat Classic

Packaging Size Avaiable in 1ltr, 4ltr, 10ltr &20ltr
Brand Dr Fixit
Packaging Type Bucket
Form Of Chemical Liquid


Dr. Fixit Raincoat Classic system is composed of high quality acrylic emulsion polymer, light fast & weather durable
pigments, properly selected & graded fine fillers, additives & biocides. It is used as a waterproofing &
protective coating for exterior walls of the buildings because it forms high film thickness. It has excellent
flexibility, breathability, water resistance, crack-bridging, weathering durability and an excellent resistance to the
growth of micro organisms.

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for DR.FIXIT RAINCOAT CLASSIC

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its authorised channel only.
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence, deliveries are prompt.

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in the market. The company is
an extension of a 120 year old firm.

Dr. Fixit Raincoat Coool

Packaging Size 4 and 20 L
Tensile Strength 1.1N/mm2
Elongation 150%
Model 625
Brand Dr Fixit
Nature Single Component Liquid
Solid Content 56%
Dry Film Thickness 160micron
Adhesion to concrete Surface 4A
Crack bridging index 0.5mm passes

Dr. Fixit Raincoat Coool is a heat reducing & ‘Energy Saving’ acrylic waterproofing coating . It is composed of
specially selected reflective additives, light fast & weather durable pigments & graded inert fillers. It is a
solar reflective coating on exterior walls which helps in reduction of enery usages by less heat transfer into buildings
& keeps the interiors cool . The coating serve the dual purpose of thermal reduction & with additional
waterproofing protection.

Areas of Application:

  • All types of exterior masonry surfaces, concrete, cement sand renderings, etc.

Features & Benefits:

  • Solar Reflective – Re-radiates most of solar heat back into atmosphere, thus lowers the surface temperature.
  • Durability – Provides long time protection to building that are endangered due to thermal degradation
  • Waterproofing – Excellent waterproofing increases the durability of structure
  • Shades – Available in wide range of pastel & selective dark shades
  • Elastomeric – High elasticity withstand stress caused by thermal expansion & contraction.
  • Microbial resistance – Resistance to fungus and algae growth, hence maintains the aesthetic of buildings.
  • Eco friendly -Non Toxic water based system
  • Energy Saving – Low heat transfer into building hence reduction in electrical consumption
  • Ready to use – No dilution is required.
  • Substrate temperature reduction up to 8ºC.

Method of Application:Surface Preparation on Cementitious Surfaces:

  • All new cement-sand renderings /concrete surfaces should be allowed to age 6 to 8 weeks before surface coating.
  • Surface for treatment must be thoroughly cleaned of all laitance, loose material, oil, grease, etc. by
    mechanical means such as wire brushing & shot blasting. Finally vacuum cleaning of all loose solids and
    liquids can be done, if required.
  • All surface cracks up to 5 mm width should be filled up with Dr. Fixit Crack-X.
  • Cracks more than 5 mm and all separation gaps should be filled up with Dr. Fixit Pidicrete URP modified mortar
    or as specified.


  • Attain SSD condition before priming, Prime with Dr. Fixit Primeseal (2 part primer : 1 part water)
  • Apply with brush or roller


  • Use Dr. Fixit Raincoat Coool directly from the container. Stir contents well before use.
  • Apply 2 coats of Dr. Fixit Raincoat Coool without any dilution by brush or roller at an interval of 5-6 hours.
  • For enhanced protection, apply additional coat of Dr. Fixit Raincoat Coool on rain lashing walls, chajjas and
    parapet walls.
  • Allow the coated surface to air cure fully for 7 days.

Precautions & Limitations:

  • Do not dilute.
  • Always to be kept as final coat. i.e. No overcoating on Dr. Fixit Raincoat Coool.
  • Do not apply when ambient temperature is below 10°C or above 45°C.
  • Do not apply in direct sunlight or during rains.
  • Adhesion property may get affected over putty and very smooth surfaces.

Shelf Life & Storage:

  • Shelf life is 24 months from the date of manufacturing in unopened conditions.
  • Store in a cool and dry place.
  • Keep away from direct sunlight and heat.

Health & Safety Precautions:

  • Skin Contact: Wash skin with soap & water. Remove contaminated clothes
  • On eye contact: Immediately splash eyes with plenty of water. Consult Physician if irritation persists.


Dr. Fixit Sureseal

Packaging Size 20kg
Brand Dr Fixit
Category Waterproofing Coating
Form Of Chemicals Liquid
Type Liquid


DescriptionDr. Fixit Sureseal is a specially designed waterproof coating once which cured forms breathable, very tough
yetelastic film which develops strong bonding to damp surfaces. It is ideal for patch repair of internal and
externalwalls as well as temporary patch repair of roofs. This product offers excellent protection for repaired surfaces
andeffectively covers hairline cracks.Typical Applications} Mild damp surfaces of following kind – internal walls,
external walls, screed roofs, parapets, chajjas etc.Features} Very tough yet elastic and breathable film} Provides
strongly bonded waterproof coating} No dilution required, ready to use} Tintable and can be used over painted surfaces}
Prevents Mildew, Fungal & bad odour

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for DR.FIXIT SURESEAL

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its authorised channel only.
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence, deliveries are prompt.

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in the market. The company is
an extension of a 120 year old firm.

Additional Information:

  • Delivery Time: 3 WORKING DAYS


Dr Fixit Primeseal

Packaging Size Avaiable in 1ltr, 4ltr, 10ltr &20ltr
Brand Dr Fixit
Type Bucket
Packaging Type Bucket
Form Of Chemical Liquid


Dr. Fixit Primeseal is water-based primer composed of acrylic emulsion polymer, properly selected fine fillers, white
pigments & additives in water as a medium. It is used as primer over exterior & interior building walls before
application of Dr. Fixit Raincoat & other water based paints.

Areas of Application
Priming of plastered walls, asbestos, brick, false ceiling, concrete surface, etc

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for DR.FIXIT PRIMESEAL ?

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its authorised channel only.
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence, deliveries are prompt.

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in the market. The company is
an extension of a 120 year old firm.

Zycosil PLUS

Category penetrative waterproofing
Application Water proofing
Packaging Size 1L
Packaging Type Drum
Form of Chemical Liquid
Form of Chemicals Liquid
Waterproof yes


Zycosil+ is a clear, water soluble, concentrated, penetrating sealer based on organosilane technology. Deep penetration
and reaction with the substrate provides long term water proofing for up to 20 years. Zycosil Multi Surface Sealer
protects surfaces from structural and aesthetic damage such as efflorescence, and structural freeze thaw. It also
reduces the damaging effects of water penetration to steel.

Recommended for use on:

  • Masonry Block (CMU)
  • Brick
  • Concrete
  • Unsealed Stucco
  • Sand and dirt
  • Plaster
  • Grout
  • Aggregates
  • Pavers
  • Cement tile


  • Water based, no harmful solvents, meets the stringent VOC Standards of California.
  • Easy application by spray, brush or roll
  • No masking required if windows and metal trim are clean
  • Greater coverage per gallon than competitive sealers
  • Dries clear, does not alter substrate appearance
  • Faster reaction time than typical sealers
  • Breathable
  • Reduces mold and mildew growth
  • Reduces material and labor costs

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for ZYCOSIL PLUS

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its authorised channel only.
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence, deliveries are prompt.

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in the market. The company is
an extension of a 120 year old firm.


Usage/Application Construction
Packaging Size Available in 20ltr
Brand ARDA


ARDA CRETE is a white liquid High quality Acrylic Polymer blended with plasticizers and selected fillers. for waterproof
coating, bonding agent, When diluted it produces a gauging solution for improving cementations mixes. When it is used
with combinations with standard quality of ordinary Portland cement, it improves the mechanical properties such as
bonding (adhesion) with various building materials, flexural, compression and impact strength. It improves the thin
section fragility of cement when used as coating.

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for ARDA CRETE

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its authorised channel only.
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence, deliveries are prompt.

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in the market. The company is
an extension of a 120 year old firm.

Road Crack Seal Tape

Tape Width >100 mm
Tape Length 10-20 m
Color Silver Aluminum Foil / Bitumen
Usage/Feature Crack Sealing
MOQ 5 Box
Tape Type Adhesive


KWICKSEAL AT200 is cold- applied, flexible, rubberized Bitumen based sealing tape.

It is a two layered 1.5mm Polymer Bitumen waterproofing layer with an aluminun foil

to protect the material from impacts of UV radiation & to products the adhesion of sealed


The Bottom Side KWICKSEAL AT is covered with an easily removable protective film.

KWICKSEAL AT is a convenient way to seal various cracks & joints.

It can also be used to insulate junctions for roofing repairs.

KWICKSEAL AT is specially designed for sealing substrates like matels, concrete, wood,

Glass, plastic ( TPO, PP,PE ) & Bitumen.

Pipe Insulation Tape

Tape Width >100 mm
Tape Length 0-10 m
Material Butyl Rubber
MOQ 5 box
Tape Type Adhesive
Total Thickness
Adhesive Strength Very Good
Adhesive Side SIngle side adhesive
Temperature -25 c / +100 c
Thickness 1mm
Usage/Application Self Adhesive
Hardness Flexible

KWICKSEAL GT50 is a self-adhesive Butyl tape with non- woven polyester or polypropylene fleece top & bottom with
butyl adhesive , which is designed to create waterproof & vapor tight joint. It takes excellent adhesion on metals,
glass, PVC timber, concrete, cement bonded particle boards, drywalls ceramics,masonry porous & non- porous surface
& create waterproo & vapor-tight joints. Fleece bonds Excellently with paint , coating , plaster & other

Pioneer Pro Elasto Seal

Brand Pioneer Pro
Usage/Application CONCRETE, Wood, Ceramic, Plastic
Types Waterproofing Coating
Form of Chemicals Slurry
Packaging Size 85 GM,500 GM,1 KG
Packaging Type Can
Grade Standard Industrial Grade
Available Sizes 85 GM,500 GM,1 KG
Maximum Width Of Joint 5 MM
Quantity Per Pack 500 GM
Condition New



ElastoSeal is a single-component, ready-to-use, high-grade roof sealant that lasts and works even on wet surfaces.


Features and Benefits:

  • Non-sag and non-flow even up to 1/2″ thickness
  • Suitable for vertical and sloping application
  • Excellent resistance to UV rays
  • Application Areas
  • Seals joints, gaps, and holes on: roof, gutter, flashing, downspout, drainpipe
  • Seals and adheres: PVC pipes and fixtures
  • Seals gaps and joints between metal & glass


Preparation: For preparation of substrate, make sure that the surface is clean, dry, free of impurities and
uncontaminated by oil or grease.


Method of Application: To use, first, cut nozzle to desired size. Then insert cartridge into the caulking gun.
Push sealant ahead for uniform bead size. If there’s excess sealant, clean it off with solvent.

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for PIONEER PRO ELASTO SEAL

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its authorised channel only.
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence, deliveries are prompt.

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in the market. The company is
an extension of a 120 year old firm.

Dr. Fixit Crack X Paste

Brand Dr Fixit
Packaging Size 200, 500 gms, 1 kg & 5 kg
Appearance Smooth & thick paste
Consistency Viscous paste
Colour White
Tack free time 30-40minutes
Service temperature range -15 to + 80 deg C
Extension recovery Min 75%
Volume shrinkage 20%


Dr. Fixit Crack-X Paste is composed of high quality weather durable acrylic emulsion polymer, properly selected graded
fillers, light fast pigment& additives. It isa single pack, ready to use flexible putty for filling the cracks in
plastered surfaces because it has excellent bonding, ease of application, water resistance, aesthetic appearance &

Specification: Meets the requirements of ASTM C 834 – 91 standard.

Areas of Application: Internal & external Plastered brick masonry wall cracks of upto 5mm width.

Features & Benefits:

  • Consistency – Paste form, without sagging.
  • Ease of application – Easy to apply by putty knife similar to conventional putties.
  • Flexibility – Flexible, therefore does not crack & accommodates minor movements in cracks.
  • VOC – Water based with very low voc hence eco-friendly.
  • Application advantage – Can be applied on damp surfaces but not on cracks with running water.
  • Paint ability – Over coatable by any type of polymer based paints, after 24 hours.
  • Staining – Non-staining.
  • Bonding – Excellent adhesion with cementitious surface.
  • Durability – Excellent resistance to UV & atmospheric conditions.
  • Tinting ability – It can be tinted using water-based stainers.
  • Toxicity – Non toxic & harmless to hands.

Method of Application:

  • Surface must be free from dust, oil, grease, and loose particles etc. Moisten the surface before applying Dr.
    Fixit Crack-X Paste.
  • Fine hair line cracks must be widened up to 1 mm minimum by using scrapper and then filled
  • For filling Dr. Fixit Crack-X Paste on the internal surface, existing POP or painter’s putty must be removed
    till plaster surface is exposed.
  • For porous surfaces, apply primer coat prepared with Dr. Fixit Crack-X Paste and water in 1:1 proportion over
    the crack. Fill Dr. Fixit Crack-X Paste when the surface is tacky and not dried completely.


  • Press Dr. Fixit Crack-X Paste firmly into the crack with a spatula or putty knifes and level with the surface.
  • Care must be taken to avoid formation of cavities or bubbles during application.
  • Allow it set for 24 hours and then apply another coat of Dr. Fixit Crack-X Paste.
  • Further POP or painter’s putty application can be taken up once it is fully dry.
  • For best results allow Dr. Fixit Crack-X Paste to cure for 7 days.

Precautions & Limitations:

  • Should not be used for cracks more than 5 mm thick.
  • Not for application in cracks in structural members, expansion joints & separation gaps.
  • Not for cracks in POP or painter’s putty.
  • For application below 10oC, drying time will be delayed.
  • Container to be tightly closed after application.


  • 25-30 running meter/kg (for a depth of 5mm and width of 5 mm).

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for DR. FIXIT CRACK X PASTE ?

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its authorised channel only.
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence, deliveries are prompt.

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in the market. The company is
an extension of a 120 year old firm.

Dr. Fixit Crack x Powder

Brand Dr Fixit
Category Cementitious Waterproofing
Packaging Type Bag
Application Industry Construction
Surface Of Application Ceramic
Material Compatibility Ceramic


Dr. Fixit Crack-X powder is a cement based polymer modified powder material for filling cracks in plastered surface. It
is composed of cement, properly selected aggregates, polymer & additives which requires on site addition of water
only. It is ideal to fill 3 to 5 mm wider static cracks, for leveling up walls before tiling and for skimming expanded
polystyrene and asbestos because it has strong adhesion, is non-shrink in nature, good water resistance properties &
weathering durability. Cracks filled with Dr. Fixit Crack-X Powder enhances the subsequent paintings quality and
life.Areas of Application £ To fill the static cracks of 3 to 5 mm sizes in horizontal or vertical areas of buildings
& structures. £ To level the undulation of the unplastered or plastered ceilings and walls before painting. £ To
provide smooth finish to brick, stone, and wood works. £ As an excellent sculpting material. £ Mixed with mineral wool,
Unifiller can be used for pipe lagging in awkward places

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for DR.FIXIT CRACK X POWDER

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its authorised channel only.
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence, deliveries are prompt.

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in the market. The company is
an extension of a 120 year old firm.

Dr. Fixit Crack X Shrinkfree

Packaging Size 1L
Brand Dr Fixit
Appearance White paste
Full Curing Time 7 days at 30 deg C
Drying Time 5 – 6 hrs at 30 deg C
Base acrylic with specially added fillers
Specific gravity 0.0.26 +/-0.02

ADr. Fixit Crack-X Shrinkfree is composed of quality polymers, select fillers & additives. It is fast drying and
flexible, light weight, putty like material used for filling cracks in plastered surfaces. It is 100% shrink-free, water
resistant after drying & bonds strongly to cementitious substrates.

Areas of Application: Internal & external surface cracks on plaster upto 10 mm width.

Features & Benefits:

  • Shrinkage –non-shrink even after curing, prevents from cohesive & adhesive failure on exposure.
  • Application – applied as one time filling (does not require second time application, as required in other
    acrylic sealants).
  • User friendly – One pack, very soft paste, easily applicable by fingers or putty knife.
  • Sagging – non-sag nature helps in filling of vertical & overhead cracks.
  • Sanding – no sanding is required.
  • Staining – Does not migrate any liquid component into concrete surface thus prevents staining.
  • Adhesion – excellent adhesion to cementitious surfaces prevents water leakages through the cracks.
  • Durability – UV & weather resistance properties increases the life expectancy of the surface.
  • Paintability – easily paintable after 5-6 hours of application.
  • Non-toxic – it is non-toxic hence user friendly.

Method of Application:
Surface Preparation:

  • Surface must be free from dust, oil, grease, and loose particles, etc. moisten the surface before applying Dr.
    fixit Crack-X Shrinkfree.
  • fine hairline cracks must be widened upto 1 mm minimum and then filled.
  • for filling Dr. fixit Crack-X Shrinkfree on the internal surfaces, existing POP or painter’s putty must be
    removed till plaster surface is exposed.


  • Press Dr. fixit Crack-X Shrinkfree firmly into the crack One time OnlY with a spatula or putty knife and level
    the surface.
  • handball application can also be used as per the convenience.
  • Care must be taken to avoid formation of cavities or bubbles during application.
  • allow it to dry in ambient conditions for 5-6 hrs before painting. for best results 7 days air curing is
  • further POP or painters putty application can be taken up once it is fully dry

Cleaning: Clean tools & equipments by soap & water. Wash hands with soap & warm water.

Precautions & limitations:

  • not for cracks in POP or painter’s putty.
  • not recommended to use under the rain.
  • not meant for structural cracks in concrete, slab, construction joints.
  • Jet or Power washing on walls not advisable prior to application.
  • During application below 10°C, drying time will be delayed.
  • Container to be tightly closed after application.
  • if filler compound becomes too dry, add potable water in ratio of 1 teaspoon in 250 ml of Dr. fixit Crack-X

Shelf life & Storage: Shelf life is 12 months from the date of manufacturing. Store in cool & dry place,
away from sun light.

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for DR. FIXIT CRACK X SHRINKFREE ?

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its authorised channel only.
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence, deliveries are prompt.

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in the market. The company is
an extension of a 120 year old firm.

Asian Paints Crack Seal

Packaging Size 900 GM
Usage/Application Construction
Color White
Type Of Crack UPTO 3MM


Asian Paints SmartCare Crack Seal is a ready to use fiber glass reinforced crack filling compound for both interior and
exterior surfaces. It ensures unmatched crack bridging ability for plaster cracks of up to 3 mm.

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for ASIAN PAINTS CRACK SEAL

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its authorised channel only.
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence, deliveries are prompt.

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in the market. The company is
an extension of a 120 year old firm.

Additional Information:

  • Delivery Time: 3 WORKING DAYS



Tiki Plast

Type Of Bitumen Industrial Grade
Usage/Application Bituminous Waterproofing
Pack Size(Kilogram) 20 KG


TIKI PLAST is a cold applied bituminous compound having multiple uses for stopping leaks through cracks of concrete
roofs, walls, porous masonry, J-Bolts of A.C./G.I. corrugated sheets, as sealants for plate, joints of wagons, coaches
and buses. As caulking agent for crevices and vertical joints between steel plates, folded section, wood joints, precast
concrete claddings, blocks, underground tanks etc., and as adhesive for rain guards for rubber trees.

B. Why Royal Industrial Corporation is Best Option for TIKI PLAST

1. Royal Industrial Corporation purchases material from the core company / factory or its authorised channel only.
Hence, Royal Industrial Corporation sells only orginal & genuine products.

2. Royal Industrial Corporation has ready stock and fresh material available.

3. Royal Industrial Corporation is located in the hub of mumbai transport area. Hence, deliveries are prompt.

4. Royal Industrial Corporation is a trusted brand and has a reputation of over 120 years in the market. The company is
an extension of a 120 year old firm.

Additional Information:

  • Delivery Time: 3 WORKING DAYS